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Discord RPC Server

This program is no longer officially supported by me.


By using this program, you're able to share your richpresence through your discord client.

Version and Patchnotes

Current version:
Release date: 05/08/2023


== Added ==
  * setup | Easy to use setup command
  * refresh | A command used after changing your rpc.


To run this program, you'll need some things (listed below).

  • Your OS must be Windows 8 or higher
  • Discord Account & Client
  • Discord (Developer) Application and their Application ID


Discord sign up

  1. Head over to Discords offical site.
  2. Download the Discord client and create yourself an account.

Create a Discord (developer) application

  1. Sign in with your discord account.
  2. Click on the button labeled “New Application” in the upper right corner, next to your account picture.
  3. Enter an application name (e.g. RPC Server).
  4. Agree to Discords ToS and policy.
  5. (Optional) Enter a description to help yourself identify the application later on.
  6. Click on “Rich Presence” on the left-hand side.
  7. (Optional) Upload images to your desire if you want to show them in your rpc.
  8. Click once again on “General Information” on the left-side bar.
  9. Copy your Application ID.

Download the program

  1. Head over to My offical website.
  2. Click on “Download (Win 64-Bit)”.
  3. Save the ZIP-Archive in your desired location. (

Unzipping the program

  1. Open up your file explorer and head over to the ZIP-Archive.
  2. Double-click on the archive.
  3. Click on “Extract all” in the upper menu of your File Explorer.
  4. Choose a location on your filesystem to save all extracted files. (e.g. C:\Program Files\RPC Server)

Initial Setup

  1. Open up the executable in your directory. (Discord RPC Server.exe)
  2. Enter the setup mode by typing setup into the command prompt and hitting the enter key.
  3. You'll be asked some questions, answer them as follows.
  4. Enter your Application ID.
  5. The next questions must be answered by your interests.


This application supports two start arguments. If you use the autostart argument, the application will automatically start your RPC in your local Discord client (if it's already set up). By using the reset argument, you'll be able to reset the application to its defaults. This might be helpful if something isn't working as expected.


  1. Type start into the command prompt and hit enter.
  2. Check your discord client if the Richpresence is visible.

The source code is available on GitHub over here.
PIN0L33KZ 05/12/2024 20:58

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