Color Palette Manager v.2
Create, save, and share your color own palettes. With this tool, you can display HEX, RGB and HSL color codes or a color from your screen in an overview. Name the color by its own name for a better overview. Copy the HEX or RGB code of the color to use it in your projects.
Version and Patchnotes
Current version:
Release date: 23/06/2023
== Added == * Code has been completely rewritten * New user interface with Light mode support * Color preview while hovering over the small preview * Color wheel when adding/editing a color * Standalone Settings Window * Discord RPC support * New secure file format (.clrplt) * Local Log Files * Sound when copying a color code * "Stay in the foreground" option to make it easier to insert the color codes == Changed == * Standalone buttons to copy HEX or RGB codes * The field to choose a color from the screen has been enlarged * The color displays became smaller and more compact * An open color palette is now automatically overwritten when saving (path no longer must be set manually) * The warning that unsaved changes will be lost will only appear if this is the case == Removed == * Old insecure file format (.colorpalette)
To run this program, you'll need some things (listed below).
- Your OS must be Windows 8 or higher
- Microsoft Store installed and accessible
- Open up the Microsoft Store or click this link.
- Click on the button labeled “Install”.
Add Colors
- Click on the “Add color” button in the lower left corner.
- Choose a name for your color e.g. Text or Background
- Select a color either through the windows color picker, a hex code (#FFFFFF), or pick it directly from your screen.
- Click on the “Okay” button.
Edit Colors
- Click on the little pen in the lower left corner of your color.
- Change either the name or the color itself.
- Click on the “Save” button.
Delete Colors
- Click on the little trashbin in your color display in the lower right corner.
- Click on “Yes” in the following dialog.
Copy Colors
- To copy the RGB code, in the following format: “XXXX, XXXX, XXX”, click on the light bulb icon with the text rgb on it.
- To copy the HEX code, in the following format: “#XXXXXX”, click on the hastag icon.
Program Settings
- Open the settings menu by clicking on the gear icon in the lower right corner of the program.
- Change your settings as desired and save by clicking on the button labled “Save”
Settings Explanation
- “Play sound when copying” - The program will give you a audible feedback when ever a color was copied.
- “Dye card background when hovering over preview” - The whole background of your color display will be dyed in the color after hovering 2 seconds above the preview circle.
- “Use system theme” - The program will appear in light or dark mode, depending on the system's setting.
- “Stay in foreground” - The program will always be in the foreground and will appear infront of every other application.
- “Show in Discord” - For the time that the program is running, there's a little Richpresence in Discord.
- “Clear current palette” - Danger Zone! Removes all colors from the current color palette.
- “Open logs” - Opens the local log files written by the program (stored in
The source code isn't available yet. But the program is still free!
— PIN0L33KZ 08/07/2024 18:03