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Color Palette Manager v.2


Create, save, and share your color own palettes. With this tool, you can display HEX, RGB and HSL color codes or a color from your screen in an overview. Name the color by its own name for a better overview. Copy the HEX or RGB code of the color to use it in your projects.

Version and Patchnotes

Current version:
Release date: 23/06/2023


== Added ==
  * Code has been completely rewritten
  * New user interface with Light mode support
  * Color preview while hovering over the small preview
  * Color wheel when adding/editing a color
  * Standalone Settings Window
  * Discord RPC support
  * New secure file format (.clrplt)
  * Local Log Files
  * Sound when copying a color code
  * "Stay in the foreground" option to make it easier to insert the color codes
== Changed ==
  * Standalone buttons to copy HEX or RGB codes
  * The field to choose a color from the screen has been enlarged
  * The color displays became smaller and more compact
  * An open color palette is now automatically overwritten when saving (path no longer must be set manually)
  * The warning that unsaved changes will be lost will only appear if this is the case
== Removed ==
  * Old insecure file format (.colorpalette)


To run this program, you'll need some things (listed below).

  • Your OS must be Windows 8 or higher
  • Microsoft Store installed and accessible


  1. Open up the Microsoft Store or click this link.
  2. Click on the button labeled “Install”.

Add Colors

  1. Click on the “Add color” button in the lower left corner.
  2. Choose a name for your color e.g. Text or Background
  3. Select a color either through the windows color picker, a hex code (#FFFFFF), or pick it directly from your screen.
  4. Click on the “Okay” button.

Edit Colors

  1. Click on the little pen in the lower left corner of your color.
  2. Change either the name or the color itself.
  3. Click on the “Save” button.

Delete Colors

  1. Click on the little trashbin in your color display in the lower right corner.
  2. Click on “Yes” in the following dialog.

Copy Colors

  • To copy the RGB code, in the following format: “XXXX, XXXX, XXX”, click on the light bulb icon with the text rgb on it.
  • To copy the HEX code, in the following format: “#XXXXXX”, click on the hastag icon.

Program Settings

  1. Open the settings menu by clicking on the gear icon in the lower right corner of the program.
  2. Change your settings as desired and save by clicking on the button labled “Save”

Settings Explanation

  • “Play sound when copying” - The program will give you a audible feedback when ever a color was copied.
  • “Dye card background when hovering over preview” - The whole background of your color display will be dyed in the color after hovering 2 seconds above the preview circle.

  • “Use system theme” - The program will appear in light or dark mode, depending on the system's setting.
  • “Stay in foreground” - The program will always be in the foreground and will appear infront of every other application.
  • “Show in Discord” - For the time that the program is running, there's a little Richpresence in Discord.

  • “Clear current palette” - Danger Zone! Removes all colors from the current color palette.
  • “Open logs” - Opens the local log files written by the program (stored in C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Color_Palette_Manager\logs).

The source code isn't available yet. But the program is still free!
PIN0L33KZ 08/07/2024 18:03

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